
There is a repository base class that contains CRUD and other useful method which you can use to avoid redundancy.

Available methods


After creating your repository class by your self our using valravn repository command, you must implement this method to establish related query builder object for repository class.


Every actions on builder instance should authorize. sometimes you don't want to authorize your query, so by calling disableAuthorization method on your repository instance, the repository doesn't authorize the action.


Sometimes you want to run an action without authorization but after that in the same scope, you want to run an action with authorization. in this scenario, you need to call disableAuthorization method first and after that call enableAuthorization method to enable authorization again.


When you call an action like all, you might don't want all columns of rows. so you can use select method before all and pass your specific columns to fetch. there can be more methods like select. the important point here is, methods like select only apply when you use query method to get builder instance.

Notice: it's recommended to get builder instance using query method instead of getQueryBuilder.


Using this method you will be able to authorize actions. there is some examples.

1public function create( array $data ): Model {
2  $this->authorize();
4  return $this->query()->create( $data );

Above example shows how to authorize an action without any parameter. it will authorize create ability on related policy class. to determine your custom ability to authorize, you just have to pass the name of your ability to authorize method.

1public function create( array $data ): Model {
2  $this->authorize('makeAndStore');
4  return $this->query()->create( $data );

Then, you need to create makeAndStore method in your related policy class.

Also, you can only pass the model object and let the authorize method guess the ability.

1public function viewComments( Post $model ): Builder {
2  $this->authorize( $model );
4  return $model->comments()

In above example, the authorize method will authorize the viewComments method of related policy class. the viewComments method on policy class will receive $model parameter.

And there is the way you can pass your custom ability with parameter(s).

1public function viewComments( Post $model ): Builder {
2  $this->authorize( 'viewAllComments', $model );
4  return $model->comments()


It's just a shorthand for authorize method.

1$this->authorizeThisAction( $param );
2// instead of
3$this->authorize( null, $param );


Return query builder instance and ables us to access the all rows.


Find a specific resource using id by default. but if you want to find a row by another column, you just need to do something like this:

1app( SampleRepository::class )->find('specific-slug-for-example','slug');

First parameter is the value and the second value is the column name that Valravn should search in.


Create a resource using given data and return the created model as result.


Update specific Model using given data and return a boolean as result.


Update many resources in one query at once and also return a bool value as result.


Delete a specific resource and return true. otherwise throw an exception. delete method contains two deleting and deleted hook.